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保质期: 放在密封阴凉干燥处可长期保存 工夫品种: 祁门工夫
类别: 工夫红茶


Keemun Black Tea, also known as the Qimen time Black Tea, has a fruity bouquet and Black Tea, produced in China central Anhui Qimen County, called qi. Keemun Black Tea is the only Black Tea Chinese ten tea, Darjeeling and India, Sri Lanka Black Tea Wu of Black Tea together known as the world's three major high tea.
Keemun Black Tea fruit flavor, has the flavor of pine (like Lapsang souchong) and flowers, but unlike the Darjeeling Black Tea scent so beautiful, it is also known as the "Qimen incense". The caffeine content of Keemun Black Tea than Assam Black Tea low. Thanks to the climate and soil, making it Keemun Black Tea "the best tea grass is taken from Qimen Nan Xiang" solution "to Xixiang, Xin'an port, port area calendar.
Usually Keemun Black Tea suitable without milk and sugar drink milk, but also does not reduce the tea drinking. Keemun Black Tea was considered the most suitable types of tea as afternoon tea and tea before bed.
1980 years later, Keemun Black Tea won several Chinese state medal, and become an important Chinese tea reception of foreign guests and government China tea export, mainly exports to the uk.
Often drinking tea will be beneficial to human body, its main function includes: anti-cancer anti-aging, anti arteriosclerosis, diabetes, body weight, heat reduce pathogenic fire, refreshing hangover and the prevention of dental caries.



